Welcome to the 1st event of BountyScape!
This 1st event we will have is the worldwide Clan Wars Tournament!
This will be a tournament of all of the clans who wish to join this event.
Format for joining this event:
1. Clan's name
2. The owner (opt. generals)
3. How many members
4. Anything else we should know
5. Must understand the risk that if you die, you do lose your items. Please make sure you do understand this risk.
No cheating whatsoever such as:
Teleporting away (you will be removed from this event if you try to do this)
There are a certain amount of members you can bring and I will tell you later.
The object to kill every single member of the opposite clan.
Other details:
This event will be hold when we have enough clans who would love to join this event.
The winner of this event will get a special reward. Good luck to you all!